Before embarking on my journey to the UAE, I seized the opportunity to fulfill a longstanding item on my travel bucket list: obtaining a signature tattoo from the legendary tattoo artist, Apo Whang Od, also known as a mambabatok. Residing in the remote village of Buscalan, a daunting 10-hour journey from Pampanga, I decided to join a tour with my friends to reach her abode. The trek to the jump-off point was arduous and time-consuming, setting the tone for the adventure ahead. Upon reaching the jump-off point, a 30-minute to one-hour hike awaited us, leading to the heart of the village.

The warmth and hospitality of the locals were immediately evident upon arrival. Tourism to the village served as a vital source of income for many, underscoring its significance to the community. Despite most villagers being elderly, their agility in traversing the terrain put my own stamina to shame, as I found myself needing frequent breaks even after a mere 10 minutes of hiking. Upon reaching the village, a quaint souvenir store greeted us, offering an array of locally crafted items.
As part of a larger tour group, we were accommodated in a spacious communal house. Meeting a diverse array of individuals, from first-time visitors to seasoned veterans of the village, added an extra layer of enjoyment to the experience. After settling in, replenishing our energy, and freshening up, we were granted the opportunity to explore the village's farms and surrounding neighborhoods. The awe-inspiring mountain vistas provided a stunning backdrop for countless photo opportunities, with every turn revealing yet another picturesque scene.
Following our exploration, it was time for lunch and a briefing on the tattooing process. The village's rule of first-come, first-served dictated the order in which groups would receive tattoos from Apo Whang Od. Ranked seventh in line, we patiently awaited our turn. In the interim, younger mambabatoks offered tattoo sessions, each design steeped in tradition and significance. Purchasing a bamboo tool and charcoal solution, along with grass for ink, I opted for Apo Whang Od's signature three-dot tattoo. While the experience was undoubtedly painful, its intensity varied based on individual pain tolerance.
Meeting Apo Whang Od was a dream come true, a poignant symbol of my affection for the Philippines as a traveler. To be tattooed by this iconic figure, deeply rooted in Philippine history and recognized worldwide, was an immense honor.
Tattoo prices ranged from Php 500 to Php 2000, with the signature three-dot tattoo priced at Php 150. Additional donations were graciously accepted, while a photograph with Apo Whang Od could be obtained for Php 50.